Deleted Facebook

3 05 2012

Not deactivated, but actually deleted it.

See nothing positive coming from being on there. My training lately has been pretty much bodybuilding, with pushing maximal weights on deadlifts. Just gona be posting cliffs and I dont really feel like posting much of anything lately. I might even stop updating this just because i dont care anymore.(lol this was the first update in a really long time.) Those of you that read my log on IM, be aware that 99% of the training i post there is a troll thread. Not really attention whoring, just bored of the internet weightlifting community(and people in general) and dont want to be back for a long time.

Cliffs of Back Day:
Deadlift: 355×5
TBar Row: 5 25p x 8; 5 25p x 8
Weighted Pullups: BWx6; Bw+10×6; BW+25×5; BW+15×6; BWx7